Title: The design and development of isoform-selective inhibitors of Hsp90
Title: Advances in plasma-based waste treatment for sustainable communities
Title: Novel therapeutics for common and devastating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Title: Distal functionalization via transition metal catalysis
Title: Correlation between crystal structure, magnetic order, and topological states in Co3Sn2S2
Title: Quantum theory concepts and biological evolution paths from structure waves in biopolymers
Title: Artificial Intelligence for the design of Improved bio chemistries
Title: A solution to the clearance problem of sacrificial material in 3D printing of microfluidic devices
Title: Hydrogenation of CO2 on Fe-based catalysts: Preferred route to renewable liquid fuels
Title: Thermomechanical processes and transformations in shape memory alloys
Title: Chemically induced proximity regulates protein function and degradation
Title: The construction and application of photoactivated polymer colloidal motors
Title: Aryl azole derivatives as potential disruptors of tumor microenvironment
Title: Development of a methodology for ferrites evaluation by WDXRF
Title: Study of several antimicrobials, physical proprieties
Title: Environmental sustainability and intelligence as well as general green technologies
Title: Syngas and power generation from date palm waste steam gasification
Title: Selective and sustainable catalysis for transforming C-H bonds
Title: The role of chemistry in contribution to biomedicine recently
Title: The potential of drug release systems in the treatment of ocular diseases
Title: Promize of herbal drugs in improving cancer radiotherapy
Title: Water splitting technology for efficient thermal energy conversion process
Title: Characterization of Ir-based catalysts for PEM electrolyser
Title: The use of polysiloxanes to improve the performance properties of cement
Title: Theory of transformation in atomic and nucleon orbitals
Title: The formation of the four-way symmetric translational tiles (crystal) and corresponding unit cells
Title: Modeling of water flooding effects during enhanced oil recovery
Title: The role of green tea (camellia sinensis) in the management of androgenetic alopecia (AGA): A review
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