Title: Molecular modeling of Imidazoquinazolinedione Derivatives
Title: Shape reversibility and thermomechanical reactions in shape memory alloys
Title: The nanoscale effects of ligand binding on the electrical properties of olfactory receptors
Title: Functionalizing Metal Phosphates to Synthesise Antimicrobial Biomaterials
Title: Dimensionality of MnO2 cathodes as a key factor governing kinetics in Alumninium-ion batteries
Title: N methyl N nitrosourea as a carcinogenic agent what is its potential
Title: Synthesis of Gemcitabine Phosphotriester Hybrids and Their Initial in Vitro Evoluation
Title: Hydration layer of few molecules controls lateral diffusion of lipids in biomembranes
Title: On the importance of supports when designing supported catalysts. The case of TiO2 polymorphic mixes
Title: Controlled Fabrication and Morphological Transformation of Polymeric Bowl-shaped Nanoparticles
Title: Effect of chemical properties on liposomal encapsulation of radiopharmaceutical tracers
Title: Understand the Doping Mechanism in co-doped TiO2: A case study of C-N-S-TiO2
Title: Chemistry of Zn Complexes with different Non Covalent Interactions
Title: Quinoxaline antiviral motif between history and future: Urgent Need for New Antiviral
Title: Improving the Reliability Design of Mechanical Systems such as Refrigerator
Title: Heat capacities Cp(T) of the isostructural sphalerite phases as a single system in solid state
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