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5th Edition of

Chemistry World Conference

June 02-04, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Chemistry 2022

U determination in wine and honey from Bulgaria

Speaker at Chemistry World Conference 2022 - Irina Karadjova
University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
Title : U determination in wine and honey from Bulgaria


Uranium is a toxic metal with low radioactivity which is ubiquitous in the environment. As a result of its natural occurrence, it can be found at different concentrations and in the form of different compounds in rocks, water, soil and air. Additionally, uranium can also enter the environment from anthropogenous sources – for example via the application of phosphate containing fertilizers. Uranium exhibits a chemical toxicity which can, in the case of continuous intake, lead to e.g. nephrotoxicity. Uranium is not readily transferred from soil to crops, and also has a low transfer factor from grass to animals. Nevertheless, as a component of the natural environment, uranium is likely to be present as a trace constituent in all foodstuffs. In the present study U is determined in wine and honey – traditional Bulgarian products. The idea is to find correlation between U content in soil and wine produced from grapes grown and U content in monoforal honey and U content in respective plants from the same region. The regions selected are characterized with relatively high background values for U.  Bioavailable content of U in soil was determined using two extractants – 0.04 M acetic acid and 0.05 M EDTA (ammonium salt) widely accepted as suitable for assessment of mobile U, which might be accumulated by plants. In order to fulfil these tasks analytical procedures has to be developed for U determination by sensitive instrumental methods ICP-OES, ICP-MS. Systematic interference studies were performed for the influence of major components of in wine and honey on the accuracy of U determination. Suitable element was proposed for internal standard calibration. In addition, for very low concentrations, solid phase extraction was applied using ion imprinted polymer as a sorbent. Results, obtained showed relatively low correlation coefficients between U content in soil (for both extracts) and U content in wine. Most probably plant physiology prevents biouptake of U from soil. Almost the same is valid for honey. Very low correlation coefficients were defined between monofloral honey and U content in plants. From such point of view honey could not be accepted as suitable bioindicator for environmental pollution.


Prof. Dr. Irina Karadjova studied Chemistry at the Faculty of chemistry and pharmacy, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria and graduated as MS in 1981. She then joined the research group of Prof. D. Tsalev at Department of Analytical chemistry of same faculty. She received her PhD degree in 1992 at the same institution. From 1992 to 2019 she obtained the position of an Associate Professor and then full Professor at the Faculty of chemistry and pharmacy. She is a Head of Laboratory for Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. She has published more than 70 research articles in SCI(E) journals with more than 1500 citations.
