Title : Migration of organic carbonic acids in the snow cover of permafrost landscapes of Eastern Siberia
The features of migration of ions of organic carboxylic acids (formic, acetic and oxalic) in the snow cover of permafrost landscapes of the boreal zone of Eastern Siberia were studied. The concentration of formate, acetate and oxalate ions in permafrost landscapes of geographical zones of latitudinal and mountain-belt types was determined (Middle taiga, Mountainous taiga, Mountainous sparse forest, Mountainous tundra, Mountainous desert). The maximum content of ions of organic carboxylic acids was noted in the snow cover of middle taiga and mountain landscapes. The rate of ion entry into the snow cover of middle taiga and mountain landscapes is controlled by altitudinal zonality and correlates with the total mass of plant organisms, which are the main source of organic carboxylic acids in the atmosphere. The data obtained indicate that the main source of ions of organic carboxylic acids in winter is the atmosphere (74–90%), while the contribution of soil respiration is insignificant. The upward migration of organic carboxylic acid ions from the underlying substrate (soil, ice) into the snow cover depends on the temperature of the soil, ice and snow. Cooling the soil surface below –5?C leads to a significant decrease in the intensity of migration of organic carboxylic acid ions from the substrate into the snow.