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5th Edition of

Chemistry World Conference

June 02-04, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Chemistry 2021

New polymeric ionic liquid as a smart material for As(V)/As(III) speciation analysis

Speaker at Chemistry World Conference 2021 - Ivanka Dakova
University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
Title : New polymeric ionic liquid as a smart material for As(V)/As(III) speciation analysis


During the last years, the introduction of the functional groups such as ionic liquids into polymers is giving rise to a new class of smart materials called polymeric ionic liquids (PILs). Due to their specific properties emanating from the ionic liquid units and their intrinsic polymeric nature, PILs find applications in various areas, such as analytical chemistry, biotechnology, gas separation, catalysis, etc.

In this study we report the synthesis and characterization of new polymeric ionic liquid and its application for arsenic determination and speciation in surface waters. PIL was synthesized via chemical modification of polymeric precursor. In the first step, poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate) particles were prepared by precipitation copolymerization in porogen solvent. These polymer particles were further modified by chemical binding with 1-methylimidazole (MIA) to obtain PIL material ? poly(MIA). The new synthesized poly(MIA) was characterized using elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and nitrogen adsorption–desorption measurements. The effect of the porogen solvents acetonitrile, toluene and methanol on particle size and morphology was established. The adsorption properties of poly(MIA) toward As(III) and As(V) were studied by batch procedure. An excellent separation of As(V), selectively adsorbed on the poly(MIA), from As(III) was achieved at pH 7−9 for 20 minutes. A nitric acid was found to be the most efficient eluent for quantitative desorption of the retained As(V). The maximum adsorption capacity of poly(MIA) toward As(V) was 14.3 μmol/g polymer. The kinetic data were well described by pseudo-second-order equation while Langmuir model is best fitted to isotherm data. Experiments performed for selective determination of As(VI) in surface waters showed that the interfering matrix does not influence the extraction efficiency of poly(MIA). The analytical procedure for As(V) determination in surface waters was developed and validated through analysis of certified reference materials.

Acknowledgements: We acknowledge the financial support from the Bulgarian National Scientific Foundation (Grant DN 19/10 SmartSpeciation).

Audience take-away:

  • The audience will learn about the synthesis and characterization of a new polymeric ionic liquid and its application for As(III)/As(V) speciation analysis.
  • The audience will get an understanding on the parameters that need to be controlled to ensure quantitative sorption / desorption of the studied arsenic species.
  • The audience will learn about the analytical characteristics (LOD, LOQ, RSD) of the proposed analytical procedure for As (III) / As (V) speciation analysis.
  • The research shows a new type of polymer materials that could be of interest to researchers working in polymer and analytical sciences.


Dr. Ivanka Dakova studied Chemistry at the Sofia University, Bulgaria and graduated as MS in 1984. She received her PhD degree in polymer science from the Sofia University, in 1994. In 1999, she joined the Laboratory of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy in Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University. In 2012, she obtained the position of an Associate Professor. Her major research interests are focused on the preparation and application of ion imprinted polymers and organic-inorganic hybrid materials for separation and preconcentration of trace elements and speciation analysis.
