Title: An exploration of textual similarities and differences between two genres: The engineering research article (RA) and its subsequent poster
Title: Discovery: Reduction in photosynthesis correlation to carbon dioxide increase
Title: Key drug disposition genes and hepatic metabolic pathways are altered in germ-free mice during pregnancy
Title: Computer 3D & 4D models of T-x-y & T-x-y-z diagrams of the Ternary & Quaternary Systems as a Novel Tool in Chemistry & Materials Science
Title: The role of the morphology and dispersion of catalysts based on metal nanoparticles and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in some practically important reactions
Title: New chemical scaffolds as carbon monoxide releasing molecules (CORMs) for the management of inflammation
Title: Synthesis of vinylbenzyl bromide/divinylbenzene copolymer by post-polymerization functionalisation
Title: Gas-phase dehydroisomerization of alpha-pinene to para-cymene catalyzed by metal oxides
Title: Boosting the selectivity of Pt through Ge doping
Title: Biocompatibility evaluation of biomedical materials
Title: TiO2/PEDOT systems for Visible Light Degradation of Organic Pollutants
Title: Characterization, activity, stability of Ni/CeO2-ZrO2 catalyst via bioethanol steam reforming for H2 production
Title: Synthesis and Characterization of POMs with Keggin-type Structure of [PVXMo12-XO40](3+x)-; X= 1, 2: Effect of the Calcination Temperature on Structure and Texture Properties
Title: Electrochemical CO2 reduction in aqueous medium by a water-stable MOF (CAU-1-NH2)
Title: Reliability Design of Mechanical Systems Subject to Repetitive Stresses
Title: Synthetic and analytical applications of chloramine-T
Title: Metallohelicates: A Potential Catalyst for Asymmetric Synthesis
Title: Microbial enzymes and their potential impact on human life
Title: Novel Nanonutraceutical formulations and its role in health as biomedicine
Title: Application of green asymmetric dicationic ionic liquids for oil spill remediation in sea water
Title: Thermal performance analysis of sugarcane bagasse pretreated by ionic liquids
Title: Mixed metal oxide derived from Lanthanum-containing Zn-Fe-CO3 Layered double hydroxides: Promoting visible light photocatalytic activity