Dr. Assefa obtained his BSc degree from Addis Ababa University and his PhD in 1992 from the University of Maine. He served as a post-doctoral fellow at Texas A&M, and Auburn University focusing in the areas of X-ray crystallography and multi-electron transfer kinetics, respectively. In 1995, Dr. Assefa joined the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and primarily conducted basic research on transuranium elements. He then moved to North Carolina A&T State university to pursue academic career. Dr. Assefa has pursued fundamental research on materials for luminescent sensor application, white light emitting materials, and gold and other Group 11 metal compounds for medicinal applications. Dr. Assefa has published over eighty-five peer-reviewed articles and three book chapters.
Title : Modulation of structural and spectroscopic properties in a series of metal atoms ranging from transition to lanthanide to actinide atoms connected through bridging ligands